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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

EGYPT: A criminal, Sisi, Chosen for the American Liberty Award. Not a joke!

Of course...
"Birds of a feather, flock together"

Herbert I. London is an American conservative activist, commentator, author, and academic. London was the president of the Hudson Institute from 1997 to 2011. He is a frequent columnist for The Washington Times.

London Center; an organization well-known for its hatred towards Islam and Muslims anywhere and everywhere, and its Zionist attitude. 

People Chosen for the American Liberty Award  

Abdul-Fattah El-Sisi: current Egyptian president and a graduate of Egyptian Military Academy. Also A criminal, starving, jailing and killing his own people. He is chosen to be awarded the American Liberty Award granted by London Center. In fact Sisi is a criminal carrying the American-Israeli war agenda against Islam. The multi-purpose agenda is not only political and economical but also religious. And the consequences are and will be the death of Egypt.
Hayam Ali ( PHOTO UNAVAILABLE): a woman from Somali origin well-known for her hatred towards Islam, saying that Islam is a religion calling for violence and that the Qur'an shoud be amended in the same way the bible; old and new testament, was.

Ellen West: a former member of the United States House of Representatives, and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel  whose opinion is that violence in Islam started after migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

Donald Rumsfeld: an American politician and businessman. Rumsfeld served as the 13th Secretary of Defense from 1975 to 1977 under President Gerald Ford, and as the 21st Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2006 under President George W. Bush. He is a war criminal (Afghanistan Iraq War)


1) No water, no meat

2) Everybody is complaining

3) No freedom of the press
4) No freedom of speech
5) Illegal arrests and forced dissappearance.
Young women (16-18 years old) jailed, raped,tortured and impregnated in detentions.
6) Youth, old men and journalists in jails, tortured and deprived of medical attention (old,sick prisoners), all just because of sayin "NO" tothe Junta Rule.
7) Cases of children (6-12 years old), handicapped and mentally-retarded are imprisioned.
8) Egyptian Elite have becom: A) the military, B) the Ministry of Interior (police), and the Judiciary System (judges), and everybody else are the slaves.
9) empty proises and fake projects.
10) corruption; bribes and favoritism.


It started with a claim to have discovered a machine that can diagnose HCV, but quickly spiralled to become a machine (or two machines) that can detect, treat and cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), along with probably cancer, diabetes and AIDS. Major General Ibrahim Abdul Atti (not a member of themilitary but a herbalist given and honorary rank of a major general), announced his C-FAST discovery in a government-sponsored press conference. He claimed his discovery cured HIV/AIDS with a 100% success rate and HCV with 95% success rate, with a clear nod at the end to the role of the military and the defence minister in “making his discovery a reality.

The miracle machine apparently diagnoses and treats patients non-invasively. Abdul Atti says that the device somehow remotely draws blood from the patient, destroys the virus, and returns it as “nutrients” to the patient. “”I will take it away from him as a disease and give it back to him in the form of a cure,” he said. And in other occasions he called this cure “Kufta”; a type of meatball or meatloaf, and is a popular dish in Afghan, Azerbaijani, Arab, Armenian, Balkan, Bangladeshi, Indian, Palestinian, Iranian, Jordanian, Kurdish, Moroccan, Pakistani, Romanian, Lebanese, and Turkish cuisine. 

Without going into any unnecessary political discussions, I’ll focus more on the science angle of the discovery. Islam Hussein, an Egyptian virologist working in MIT, made a detailed video debunking the science in the piece. Here are several warning bells that leave little room for anything other than skepticism about this claimed discovery. 

1) Such a discovery, if it was true, would have possibly been one of the biggest breakthroughs in history. This would have easily been published in one of the highest impact journals, such as Nature, Science or Cell. Instead, this paper appears in a little known journal with no impact factor called World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, which is listed as a potential predatory publisher, publishing hoaxes and poorly peer reviewed or non-reviewed papers. 

2) The paper is poorly written. The language is poor, details are lacking, there is no proof of principle offered and no logical explanations. They just talk about tests on patients without even outlining the steps taken before starting to experiment on humans. There is no clear explanation of the processes followed either. 

3) The researchers claim they have received a patent for their invention. However, a quick search shows that the patent review team commented that the “description undoubtly lacks a clear and complete disclosure of the claimed invention and cannot be allowed under Article 5 PCT.” They claim in the paper that they have patented their invention, but that is a lie. 

4) With a little basic understanding of science, one cannot help but be completely skeptic about how the device works due to the large number of question marks surrounding it. The device is claimed to work remotely through electromagnetic waves. Somehow it is  the first process that uses biological electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) to detect signature marks of the viruses. This is something unheard of in any of the past science literature, yet there is nothing offered in the paper on the research or the principles used.

All in all, the paper does not follow any scientific methodology, jumping straight to clinical tests that they claim to have performed using the new device.

This is just a few of the problems with the paper, the research, and the methodology attached to this outrageous claims. The research is too poor to even be taken in consideration. This embarrassing event highlights the sad realities in Egypt right now.
Samar Zakaria, housewife in Hurghada

"I would like to see the country controlled by law. But the situation remains as it is. There is an absence of security and laws are being breached all the time.There has been an increase in kidnapping and terrorist attacks. And the continuous electricity faults are making many Egyptians very angry. We cannot see any alternative solutions. The price increases resulting from the gradual removal of subsidies have also caused many people to suffer. They don't understand that this change is to help the economy develop. No-one can deny that the Egyptian president has started a great project. The Suez Canal development project promises to be great for the country. "

 Mona Sleem, activist in Ismailia

"All we have received are verbal promises, while the media sell us the idea that al-Sisi is the saviour. Electricity, health, transport, water and security - none of these problems has seen any real improvement. There has been an unacceptable increase in electricity faults. The economic projects that he announced, such as the Suez Canal development project, new opportunities for foreign investments and new school buildings have given Egyptians hope but not a real reward. Instead we have seen an increase in the price of fuel and basic needs. At the same time he is asking businesses to donate to the country's projects. He should be using the law to refund money that has been stolen from us. All that has happened so far gives me the impression that we are heading towards another Mubarak era, one that includes economic growth without equitable distribution."

Mohamed Fahmy, journalist in Cairo

The Egyptian government is insisting on using force to deal with the banned Muslim brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood do not want to compromise in order to re-integrate in the society. Instead its members are insisting that ousted president Morsi is returned to power. The police use violence against them, but their actions also affect the freedom of the other Egyptians. The police use security problems as an excuse to prosecute activists and to limit the freedom of the civil movements that oppose the government's policies.The Egyptian government seems to be weak and doesn't have vision. They have made many decisions that have lead to a negative impact on ordinary citizens. I think don't think they know how to get out of this crisis.

   The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

Translated and edited by
Israel Shahak

The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947)

In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.

Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on 9 July 1947: “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.

Abdul-fattah El-Sisi 
is a a criminal and a traitor carrying out the Zionist agenda. 
Therefore, he should be removed 
by any means possible. 

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