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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

WALMART: they have pulled the costume due to massive public outrage over it

Posted on October 28, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Jan10 found they have pulled the costume due to massive public outrage over it. Apparently they had this “heroicIDF soldier costume and an “Arab Hook-nose” one to go along with it so your little ones could take turns beating the dirty hook-nosed rag-head and taking his land.

Notice the Arab costume is cheaper than the Israeli one? That’s true to life since Arab lives are apparently less valuable as well in Israel. I certainly hope the Sheik Fagin Nose costume is a spoof.

And the ever popular…

Shut up about your mommy and bleed out, you fucking terrorist!

Ah, the memories which will be created by this costume will be priceless. And more importantly, your child will learn of the brave men and women, forced into military service in Israel, working diligently to steal the land of an indigenous people just so long as they don’t actually have weapons with which they can defend themselves. Ah, those brave IDF forces.

Act NOW and you also receive a working hoax clock bomb, as seen on TV and at the White House, that your child can use when he pretends to be a member of the beloved IRGUN. Think of the fun he’ll have taking it to a hotel near you! Any of them named King David? Just kidding… they already blew up that one!

It’s NEVER to early to get your kid’s mind right! Wouldn’t want him ostracized by the community before he reaches privatized for-profit high school would ya?

Heck, if he keeps dressing up in this fabulous costume each and every year around this time… he might just land a cushy job in the main stream media or in Hollywood! Dare to DREAM parents. Dare to dream.

So get over there to Walmart and snatch up one of these wonderful costumes for your kids. Their future may depend on it.

And if there happens to be only one left and a person with brown skin is looking to buy it… fuck it… just stab them and start screaming you are the victim! No one is really going to know if you’re Jewish or not. Take a shot at it. Can’t hurt. They’re just cattle anyway, right?


They pulled it off the shelves….

EGYPTIANS, in the  the "civilized" West, freedom of expression is extremely important. But when it infringes on other people's right and becomes insulting, the public has the right to protest, and the public wins. Would you learn something from them and rise up to deliver yourself from the Junta bondage.

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